Winning the Second Chance with Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSA)

The Internet gives us more to look at every day: more information, more reviews, more offers. In fact, 49% of customers now visit 2 to 4 sites before they decide to buy1. One powerful lever to re-engage these qualified customers and close the sale is RLSA.

To help you make the most of RLSA, we’re excited to introduce our new best practices guide, “Winning the Second Chance.” It answers important questions like these:

  • What’s the most efficient and effective way to tag your site? 
  • Which types of remarketing lists should you focus on? 
  • By how much should you raise your RLSA bid adjustment? 
  • What advanced strategies can you use to expand volume? 

Download Winning the Second Chance to win your customers over in the moments that matter and to make the most of your RLSA campaigns.

Posted by Matt Lawson, Director, Performance Ads Marketing

1Google/Compete Sporting Goods Study: (Sept 2011-Sept 2012) Clickstream BF02 (number of different brands)

Source: Google AdWords