Want to score this playoff season? Shoot over to Search and Newsstand

Playoff season is in full swing. Whether your eyes are glued to the ice for the NHL Stanley Cup or geared up for a fastbreak during the NBA Finals, you can stay in the know with your favorite teams right in Play Newsstand and with posts in Google Search.

Check out Play Newsstand this playoff season, where you can get a play-by-play of all the action. Starting today, Newsstand will feature special NBA and Stanley Cup Playoffs sections, which will bring you the latest updates from thousands of local and national news sources in one place. You’ll also catch real-time updates directly from the leagues and the teams. These new Playoff sections make it easy to catch the top headlines, then dive into the latest scores, analyses and videos about your favorite teams, including their own posts to Google. Make Play Newsstand your #1 pick at the Play and App Stores, or pick it up on waiver at newsstand.google.com.


But that’s not all. Now you can get the latest updates, videos, photos and more right on the Knowledge Panels in Search directly from some of your favorite NHL and NBA teams. In those posts, you’ll see the highlights that your home team (or rivals!) share. Check back throughout the day and week to make sure you don’t miss a thing. (No need for you baseball fans to balk, we’ve completed the triple play with posts from the MLB and all its teams too.)

Giddy for a GIF of that buzzer-beater? Look no further than Google Search. Whether you’re a citizen of #DubNation in the Bay or charging for the Bulls, you’ll have access to posts all across the court in the span of a 20-second timeout.

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Want to see that puck hit the net? From assist to Zamboni, skating through updates from more than 30 teams across the NHL has never been smoother. A quick search on Google brings up an all-star lineup of content from the teams you care about across the U.S. and Canada—get the news before your buddies for a real power play. No need to drop your gloves, you can even do a voice search on your phone.

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Don’t score an own-goal: Take the ball or the puck and search for your team. The race to the Finals is on!!

Source: Google Blog