Tailor your ads with dynamic remarketing – Google Best Practices

If you think people make purchase decisions quickly, think again. Today’s consumers visit websites at least 6 times, on average, in the purchase process.1 And for those who abandon a shopping cart, 75% say they intend on returning to a company’s website to make a purchase.2

We’ve created a new best practices guide, Tailor Your Ads with Dynamic Remarketing, to help advertisers win those crucial “ready-to-buy” moments with dynamic remarketing and relevant ads. As business data feeds are crucial to dynamic remarketing campaigns, this guide focuses on how to create and optimize your feeds. It covers topics such as:

  • Setting up high-quality business data feeds 
  • Providing complete product data 
  • Keeping your business data feed fresh 
  • Activating dynamic remarketing ads 

Check out these dynamic remarketing best practices to drive more relevant ads and improved performance.

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1. Source: Google/Nielsen Study: Mobile Path to Purchase: Five Key Findings, November 2013 
2. Source: BI Intelligence Study: Shopping Cart Abandonment Report, March 2015.

Source: Google AdWords