Last week, we launched a unique Fashion Week experiment which enables people to explore the world of fashion and shop products directly from curated, inspirational images on This week we are rolling out a new apparel and home decor experience for our retail advertisers called shop the look.
How it works:
Let’s say you’re looking for a new outfit to wear to a wedding. If you search for “cocktail attire”, you could see an image of a popular fashion blogger wearing a black cocktail dress, heels and sunglasses. You can shop those exact (or visually similar) products featured in the image by tapping through and exploring the relevant products shown in the form of Shopping ads. As with standard Shopping ads, retailers will be charged on a cost-per-click basis, and all impressions and clicks will be reported within existing Shopping campaigns.
The featured images that power the shop the look experience come from brands, bloggers, retailers and publishers, which are sourced from trusted partners such as, Polyvore and Curalate.
Get started
We’re currently testing the shop the look experience in the US on mobile devices. If you’re a retailer and interested in showing your products within the shop the look experience, create a Shopping campaign and ensure you optimize your bids to show on mobile.
1 Consumers in the Micro-Moment, Wave 3, Google/Ipsos, U.S., August 2015, n=1291 online smartphone users 18+
2 AdWeek, Why Influencer Marketing is the New Content King, April, 2015
Source: Google AdWords