People tell us they love their Chromebooks. Yet, you have to use a trackpad, type URLs and Search queries using a keyboard, and click on links. Google’s top research scientists have calculated that the average person burns up to five calories per day by clicking on web links. This is absurd—these calories could be put to much better use for breathing, pranking a co-worker, or cleaning your bathtub.
Well, a rogue team of engineers set out to solve one of mankind’s top problems and re-rethink computing. Today, we’re excited to announce a way to make your Chromebook self-browsing.
With just one click, you’re off surfing the web—no input needed. And what can you do once your Chromebook is self-browsing? The possibilities are endless:
- Plan your summer vacation to Qikiqtarjuaq
- Fall in love using your new automated online dating profile
- Write this blog post
- Earn high scores in every online game
- Post random status updates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
- Manage your finances at whim
- Run for President
- Pen the next best-seller (Is your favorite author using a self-browsing Chromebook? We’ll never know)
We’ve been testing this new functionality for weeks, browsing the whole web from classifieds to news, music to cat photos — and now, these Chromebooks are responsible for the majority of ALL CAPS comments on the web. In total, our self-browsing Chromebooks have logged more than 5 million pageviews without once heading here.
The first version of our self-browsing software is now available at this very easy to remember link: Give it a shot—then sit back, relax, and watch the future unfold. This is the last link YOU will ever click.
Posted by Barbara Macdonald, Product Manager and Efficiency Advocate
Source: Google Chrome