It’s pretty easy to read your emails while you’re on the go, but responding to those emails takes effort. Smart Reply, available in Inbox by Gmail and Allo, saves you time by suggesting quick responses to your messages. The featureRead more…
CSquared gets new investors to expand internet access in Africa
Three billion people around the world are now online, but access remains critically low in Africa, where only 10 percent of households can connect to the internet. In 2011, a team of Googlers identified a major barrier to affordable, reliableRead more…
Four ways the web supports small business growth—new research from Deloitte
Small businesses are the backbone of our local economy, and they make our communities special. Businesses are revitalizing their towns, creating jobs, and shaping their communities—one customer and employee at a time. We wanted to better understand the web’s roleRead more…
Inspiring the creative problem-solvers of the future
What’s coming next in technology will shape our future. And because we can’t predict what challenges the future will bring, we need to cultivate a new generation of problem-solvers, storytellers, and creative minds to tackle our next problems at scale.Read more…
Delivering on our partnership with SAP
At Next ‘17, we announced a new partnership with SAP, focused on integrating our industry-leading cloud solutions with SAP enterprise applications. This week we’re at the SAP SAPPHIRE NOW event in Orlando to talk about the significant progress we’ve madeRead more…
The grand tour of Italy: traveling through the past and present to define our future
Italian culture—art, architecture, music and food—have made Italy great in the eyes of the rest of the world. Have you ever wondered how these Italian masterpieces from the past have shaped today’s present, and how they can continue to beRead more…
Four reasons your company should use the new Team Drives
1. Team Drives makes onboarding new hires easier. When onboarding new team members, it can take weeks, and sometimes months, before those employees become productive. This may partly be due to having limited access to training materials and project information.Read more…
Gain deeper insights with improved Quality Score reporting
Effective ads connect people with the content that’s most relevant to them, right when they’re looking for it. In AdWords, you can assess how relevant your keywords, ads, and landing pages are by evaluating Quality Score and its components: expectedRead more…
#GraciasALosProfes: Celebrating Teacher Appreciation Day in Mexico
Today is Teacher Appreciation Day, or Día del Maestro, in Mexico, where 30 GEG (Google Educator Groups) leaders are at the helm of the movement to transform education through technology in Latin America. Our Mexican GEG leaders empower their fellowRead more…
Smarter cars powered by Android
Remember paper maps? Long before GPS, in-car navigation systems, and smartphones, you may have kept stacks of them in your car. Or maybe you stopped by a gas station for directions or a pay phone to tell someone you wereRead more…