You can search Google for answers to all kinds of animal questions: What does an aye-aye eat? Where do narwhals live? How long is a toco toucan’s beak? And this Earth Day, you can turn to Google for the answerRead more…
Walk in the footsteps of South Africa’s freedom fighters
On April 27, 1994, Nelson Mandela became President of South Africa in the country’s first democratic, post-Apartheid election. Known now as “Freedom Day,” that date has become a symbol of hope in South Africa and around the world. To commemorateRead more…
FAQs about the April 21st mobile-friendly update
We’d like to share answers to your frequently asked questions. For background, in February, we announced that the mobile-friendly update will boost the rankings of mobile-friendly pages — pages that are legible and usable on mobile devices — in mobileRead more…
Rolling out the mobile-friendly update
As we noted earlier this year, today’s the day we begin globally rolling out our mobile-friendly update. We’re boosting the ranking of mobile-friendly pages on mobile search results. Now searchers can more easily find high-quality and relevant results where textRead more…
Myth or monster? Explore Loch Ness with Street View
Like the world’s best legends, the Loch Ness Monster transcends the everyday and exists at the edges of possibility. It rises above the sightings and the hoaxes; the claims and counter-claims; the tourism, the nationalism—and even the assassination plots. ItRead more…
New and refreshed reporting tools
Spring is here, and it’s a great time to set your sights on creating new marketing goals and ensuring that your campaigns are set up for success. You now have access to new and improved reporting tools that will helpRead more…
Android Wear: wear what you want, get what you need
Architect and artist William Morris once said, “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.” Turns out that’s also good advice for deciding what to wear. So Android Wear offersRead more…
Android Wear: wear what you want, get what you need
Architect and artist William Morris once said, “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.” Turns out that’s also good advice for deciding what to wear. So Android Wear offers a rangeRead more…
Through the Google lens: Search trends April 10-16
To kiss Madonna or not…that was the big question on search this week. Read on to find out more. Best I ever had?In the land of music festivals, Coachella is the biggest of them all. With thousands of fans andRead more…
Ads Take a Step Towards “HTTPS Everywhere”
Since 2008 we’ve been working to make sure all of our services use strong HTTPS encryption by default. That means people using products like Search, Gmail, YouTube, and Drive will automatically have an encrypted connection to Google. In addition toRead more…