A year ago, we introduced OnHub — a router that’s easy to use, and built to be placed front and center in homes (where Wi-Fi works best). Since then, we’ve been busy delivering on our promise that OnHub keeps gettingRead more…
Sheep View: Where there’s a wool, there’s a way
Over the past three months, Durita Andreassen and a few friendly sheep equipped with solar-powered cameras strapped to their woolly backs set out to collect imagery of the Faroe Islands for Street View. The 18 Faroe Islands are home toRead more…
Introducing the new Google Merchant Center
Retailers have long been using Merchant Center to connect their product data to Google — letting millions of shoppers find their products on Google.com, YouTube, and partner websites. Today, we’re excited to introduce an updated version of Merchant Center, whichRead more…
A new way to search for content in your apps
With this new search mode, called In Apps, you can quickly find content — contacts, messages, music, videos and notes — all in one place. Source: Google Android
Google Cast is now built-in to Chrome
Two years ago we launched Google Cast, an extension for Chrome that allowed you to show content from your favorite websites on the best screen in your home — your TV — using Chromecast. Whether watching your favorite show onRead more…
Google Cast is now built in to Chrome
With a couple of clicks you can view content on your TV or listen to music on your speakers, right from Chrome. Source: Google Chrome
Search is a Jack of all trades
Today we’re dealing two new hands from the Google Search deck: solitaire and tic-tac-toe. Now you can play two of the oldest and most popular games for all ages, on desktop and in the Google app. It’s been said solitaire’sRead more…
Explore the hidden worlds of the National Parks
In the Kenai Fjords, the ice is so dense it forms blues brighter than the clear Alaskan sky above. The molten rock around the (very) active Kīlauea Volcano appears to swirl and move — and sometimes it really does! AtRead more…
Helping users easily access content on mobile
In Google Search, our goal is to help users quickly find the best answers to their questions, regardless of the device they’re using. Today, we’re announcing two upcoming changes to mobile search results that make finding content easier for users.Read more…
Android 7.0 Nougat: a more powerful OS, made for you
Today, we’ll begin rolling out Android 7.0 Nougat to Nexus devices. And with more ways to make Android your own, it’s by far our sweetest release yet. We took a different approach to building and launching Nougat this year. ForRead more…