Rafael Marques De Morais is a journalist in Angola who runs Maka Angola, the largest independent news site in the country. Operating from Rafael’s kitchen table, Maka Angola may have a small staff, but its impact in Angola is massive.Read more…
Solving a Piece of the Teacher Pipeline Challenge
The recent White House Announcement of several key initiatives supporting CS4All has put a spotlight on the importance of providing access to Computer Science (CS) education for children in the U.S. But achieving the reality of enabling all students toRead more…
Introducing the AdWords Marketing Goals Website
As marketers, you’re always looking for more effective ways to achieve business goals – from getting customers to discover your brand to encouraging them to buy something from your site, and everything in between. Today, we are introducing a newRead more…
Improving Quality Isn’t Anti-Competitive, Part II
When you search for something on Google, we try to provide you the highest quality information we can. Our engineers are constantly experimenting to find better ways to connect you with useful information, and, increasingly, to provide direct answers toRead more…
Project Sunroof New Data Explorer Tool
Google has always been a proponent of clean energy, and solar power has been a central part of our vision. Over the past year, Project Sunroof has been helping homeowners explore whether they should go solar – offering solar estimatesRead more…
Ballot Propositions Matter to Voters
While much of the news is focused on the presidential race, on November 8 there will be 165 propositions on the ballot that could impact over 205 million Americans in 35 states.1 When it comes to learning more about theirRead more…
Find your own Finland
Editor’s note: Since reforming its education system 40 years ago, Finland has earned the reputation of an innovator in education. We see Finland’s progress as an opportunity to learn about the issues that impact the educational discipline. Only by understandingRead more…
#DigitalskillsforAfrica: Over 500,000 people in Africa trained
While more people are able to get online across Africa — on track to reach 500 million users by 2020 — many still lack digital skills. Without skilled people who can take full advantage of the opportunities that the internetRead more…
Daydream View coming to stores November 10th
Last month, we announced Daydream View, a comfortable and easy-to-use virtual reality headset and controller powered by any Daydream-ready phone. It will be available November 10th on the Google Store and at retailers across five countries: United States: Verizon, BestRead more…
Ok Google, cast your spell
Now anyone can try their hand at magic with a little help from Google and the new Warner Bros. Pictures film set in J.K. Rowling’s Wizarding World, “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.” Taking place decades before Harry PotterRead more…