Making the Most of Display Advertising – Google Best Practices

Guide to Programmatic Advertising on the Google Display Network

Today, people have higher expectations of ads than ever. It’s never been more important to tailor messages to the right people at the right moment as they engage in blogs, news sites and more across the web.

We’ve put together a new guide, Making the Most of Display Advertising, to help you deliver relevant ads and efficient results on the Google Display Network. The guide touches on topics such as:

  • Reaching the right audience at the right moment 
  • Matching the message to the moment 
  • Optimizing for performance 

Check out these display advertising best practices to deliver on consumers’ expectations and drive more sales for your business.

Want to stay on top of even more Best Practices? Sign up to receive our monthly newsletter. 

Posted by Matt Lawson, Director, Performance Ads Marketing

Source: Google AdWords