Let your Assistant guide you to Jupiter

It’s an exciting night for the largest planet in our solar system, Jupiter. As it makes its closest approach to earth this year, your Google Assistant can help you get the most out of this space spectacle.


Get ready by asking your Google Assistant on your Android phone “when does the sun set today” and “remind me to look for Jupiter after 8pm tonight.” Make it a family affair by asking your Assistant to “text mom to go outside and see Jupiter tonight.’” And while you shouldn’t need a telescope for this show, it can’t hurt to get a closer look—ask “show me videos on making a telescope” for some creative inspiration.  

When you’re at home, pass the time waiting by asking your Google Assistant on Google Home “how long does Jupiter take to orbit around the sun?” or “How big is Jupiter?” While we don’t recommend space travel on such short notice, it’s never a bad time to dream.

Source: Google Blog