Everyone deserves a second chance. That’s what motivated Dan Meyer and Richard Palmer when they founded Nehemiah Manufacturing Company in 2009. They wanted to bring manufacturing into the inner city of their hometown of Cincinnati, OH, and their goal wasRead more…
Bringing Within to WebVR
Editor’s Note: With WebVR, you can access VR experiences through a compatible browser like Chrome and a compatible headset like Daydream View. We’re exploring some of the WebVR content that’s available now. Jono Brandel of Within explains the technical steps theyRead more…
U.S. history takes center stage for high schoolers
Editor’s note: Last week, Google announced a grant to bring students to see “Hamilton.” We tagged along to get a firsthand glimpse at how the students reacted to this unique experience of American history. “I see him as the underdog,Read more…
How Google Cloud is transforming European business
Today, we’re thrilled to welcome more than 4,500 executives, developers, IT managers and partners to our largest European Cloud event, Google Cloud Next London. We started the Google Cloud business in Europe six years ago and it’s been an incredibleRead more…
Google Cloud: Our Commitment to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the most significant piece of European privacy legislation in the last twenty years. It replaces the 1995 EU Data Protection Directive, strengthening the rights that EU individuals have over their data, seekingRead more…
Partnering with E.ON to bring Project Sunroof to Germany
Solar power is an abundant, low-carbon source of electricity, but historically it’s been more expensive than traditional electricity. Now, with solar costs dropping dramatically, many people are starting to ask: Does solar power make sense on my roof? We launchedRead more…
Work hacks from G Suite: make meetings more efficient
At work, we spend a lot of time with meetings—from scheduling and hosting them, to following up on tasks after they wrap. In fact, the average technology CEO works 14 hours per day, 300 days per year, and nearly 30% ofRead more…
Science Playground now open to kids in Seoul
Starting this week, families visiting the Gwacheon National Science Museum in Seoul can drop by the new Science Playground to dabble in activities and experiments where the young—and young at heart—can get a glimpse of what it’s like to beRead more…
Creating a professional growth culture: 3 lessons from school districts
Whether it’s a 3D printer, a language app, or a Chromebook on a student’s desk, technology represents potential. The results can be profound, but learning how to make the most of new tools often requires dedication outside of the standardRead more…
This National Small Business Week, build your online skills with lessons from the pros
The web is helping small businesses grow. As the place where people turn to learn, discover, find, and buy things, it’s connecting customers to small businesses and small businesses to customers. Being online can have a big impact–in fact, businessesRead more…