Inspirational women. A surreal theme park. And a third-party candidate we can all get behind. This week had a little of everything—read on for a look at the top topics on Google Search. Top tabsLieutenant Shaye Haver and Lieutenant KristenRead more…
Meet OnHub: a new router for a new way to Wi-Fi
Ugh…not again. You get home at the end of the day, and sit down to stream a new movie or upload vacation photos — and your Wi-Fi slows to a crawl or just stops working. Instead of relaxing in frontRead more…
Through the Google Lens: Search Trends August 8-14
It’s Friday, which means it’s time for an A-through-Z of the week’s Google Search trends (see what I did there?) Per-see … what is it?As the skies lit up with the Perseid Meteor shower this week, there were more thanRead more…
G is for Google
As Sergey and I wrote in the original founders letter 11 years ago, “Google is not a conventional company. We do not intend to become one.” As part of that, we also said that you could expect us to makeRead more…
Google Hangouts: now simpler, faster, more beautiful
The best conversations just flow: you barely have to think about what to say. With Hangouts, we want to help you stay in the moment, no matter what device you’re using or how you’re getting your voice across, from textingRead more…
Through the Google Lens: Search Trends July 31 – August 7
Has it been a week or what? It most definitely has, which means it’s time to kick back, relax and read on as we dig into Google’s trending searches list to find out what the world wanted to learn moreRead more…
See the world in your language with Google Translate
The Google Translate app already lets you instantly visually translate printed text in seven languages. Just open the app, click on the camera, and point it at the text you need to translate—a street sign, ingredient list, instruction manual, dialsRead more…
Everything in its right place
When we launched Google+, we set out to help people discover, share and connect across Google like they do in real life. While we got certain things right, we made a few choices that, in hindsight, we’ve needed to rethink.Read more…
Rising to the climate challenge
In less than five months, policymakers from around the world will gather in Paris to finalize a new global agreement on combating climate change. Already, many governments are putting forth ambitious emissions reduction goals. And companies are taking action, too,Read more…
Through the Google lens: Search trends July 17-24
Anyone up for a look back at the last week on Google Search? We are! Read on to find out what the world was looking for this week. Bad BloodPhew, where to start with this one. Taylor Swift and NickiRead more…