Mobile app, mobile website, desktop website — how do you track their combined visibility in search? Until now, you’ve had to track all of these statistics separately. Search Console is introducing the concept of “property sets,” which let you combineRead more…
Introducing rich cards
Rich cards are a new Search result format building on the success of rich snippets. Just like rich snippets, rich cards use structured markup to display content in an even more engaging and visual format, with a focus onRead more…
A new mobile friendly testing tool
Mobile is close to our heart – we love seeing more and more sites make their content available in useful & accessible ways for mobile users. To help keep the ball rolling, we’ve now launched a new Mobile Friendly Test.Read more…
Deeper Integration of Search Console in Google Analytics
(Cross-posted from the Google Analytics Blog.) Google Analytics helps brands optimize their websites and marketing efforts for all sources of traffic, and Search Console is where website owners manage how they appear in Google organic search results. Today, we areRead more…
How we fought webspam in 2015
Search is a powerful tool. It helps people to find, share, and access an amazing wealth of content regardless of how they connect or where they are located. As part of Google’s search quality team, we work hard to ensureRead more…
Helping webmasters re-secure their sites
(Cross-posted from the Google Security Blog.) Every week, over 10 million users encounter harmful websites that deliver malware and scams. Many of these sites are compromised personal blogs or small business pages that have fallen victim due to a weakRead more…
No More Deceptive Download Buttons
(Cross-posted from the Google Security Blog.) In November, we announced that Safe Browsing would protect you from social engineering attacks – deceptive tactics that try to trick you into doing something dangerous, like installing unwanted software or revealing your personalRead more…
Continuing to make the web more mobile friendly
Getting good, relevant answers when you search shouldn’t depend on what device you’re using. You should get the best answer possible, whether you’re on a phone, desktop or tablet. Last year, we started using mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal onRead more…
Updating the smartphone user-agent of Googlebot
As technology on the web changes, we periodically update the user-agents we use for Googlebot. Next month, we will be updating the smartphone user-agent of Googlebot: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; Nexus 5X Build/MMB29P) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2272.96 Mobile Safari/537.36Read more…
Best practices for bloggers reviewing free products they receive from companies
As a form of online marketing, some companies today will send bloggers free products to review or give away in return for a mention in a blogpost. Whether you’re the company supplying the product or the blogger writing the post,Read more…