Webmasters often use linked images, CSS, and JavaScript files in web pages to make them pretty and functional. If these resources are blocked from crawling, then Googlebot can’t use them when it renders those pages for search. Google Webmaster ToolsRead more…
Easier website development with Web Components and JSON-LD
JSON-LD is a JSON-based data format that can be used to implement structured data describing content on your site to Google and other search engines. For example, if you have a list of events, cafes, people or more, you canRead more…
Safe Browsing and Google Analytics: Keeping More Users Safe, Together
The following was originally posted on the Google Online Security Blog. If you run a web site, you may already be familiar with Google Webmaster Tools and how it lets you know if Safe Browsing finds something problematic on yourRead more…
Finding more mobile-friendly search results
Webmaster level: all When it comes to search on mobile devices, users should get the most relevant and timely results, no matter if the information lives on mobile-friendly web pages or apps. As more people use mobile devices to accessRead more…
Case Studies: Fixing Hacked Sites
Webmaster Level: All Every day, thousands of websites get hacked. Hacked sites can harm users by serving malicious software, collecting personal information, or redirecting them to sites they didn’t intend to visit. Webmasters want to fix hacked sites quickly, butRead more…
Crawling and indexing of locale-adaptive pages
Webmaster level: advanced Locale-adaptive pages change their content to reflect the user’s language or perceived geographic location. Since, by default, Googlebot requests pages without setting an Accept-Language HTTP request header and uses IP addresses that appear to be located inRead more…
Upcoming Events In The Knowledge Graph
Webmaster level: all Last year, we launched a new way for musical artists to list their upcoming events on Google: schema.org markup on their official websites. Now we’re expanding this program in four ways: 1. Official Ticket Links For artists:Read more…
New Structured Data Testing Tool, documentation, and more
Webmaster level: all Structured data markup helps your content get discovered in search results and across Google properties. We’re excited to share several updates to help you author and publish markup on your website: A new Structured Data Testing ToolRead more…
Google Public DNS and Location-Sensitive DNS Responses
Webmaster level: advanced Recently the Google Public DNS team, in collaboration with Akamai, reached an important milestone: Google Public DNS now propagates client location information to Akamai nameservers. This effort significantly improves the accuracy of approximately 30% of the location-sensitiveRead more…
The four steps to appiness
Webmaster Level: intermediate to advanced App deep links are the new kid on the block in organic search, and they’re picking up speed faster than you can say “schema.org ViewAction”! For signed-in users, 15% of Google searches on Android nowRead more…