How does Google manage its own devices? With a huge range of devices on multiple platforms used by over 61,000 employees, it’s no small feat. Google’s Technical Infrastructure organization is tasked with protecting employees against sophisticated adversaries, while ensuring thatRead more…
Get lost in earth’s beauty from space
This week we’re giving you a taste of what you can find in Voyager, a showcase of interactive tours and stories from experts, nonprofits and more in the new Google Earth. Earth Day is just a few days away. AndRead more…
Introducing Smart display campaigns
There are now over 3 million apps and websites on the Google Display Network (GDN), from popular news websites to the latest gaming apps. No matter what your customers are doing to stay informed or entertained across the GDN, it’sRead more…
Scan your printed photos in just one tap
PhotoScan lets you save digital copies of your printed photos in just a few taps. Since we launched the app in November, you’ve all scanned a lot of photos — almost 50 million in fact! Today we’re making a few updatesRead more…
Look around, listen in. This is “Tabel,” an experimental VR film.
As Earth Day approaches, we’re paying homage to our lovely little patch of blue and green with “Tabel,” an interactive virtual reality film about our changing climate. 'Tabel’ Trailer, An Experimental VR Film by Google After hitting play, you’ll findRead more…
How LumApps and G Suite keep employees organized and informed
This year at Google Cloud Next, we recognized some of our partners for outstanding innovation. One of those partners, LumApps, received the “Solution Innovation of the Year” award for its corporate intranet and social platform for businesses. Deeply integrated withRead more…
Introducing “G4NP in Three,” a new YouTube Series
Google for Nonprofits (G4NP) offers nonprofit organizations across 50 countries free access to Google tools like Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Ad Grants and more. Whether you’ve been using our products for years or are thinking about signing up for GoogleRead more…
Connect with cultures around the world in Google Earth
Yesterday, we introduced a new version of Google Earth, along with Voyager—a showcase of interactive tours that help you explore our planet further. Over the next few days, we’re giving you a taste of what you’ll be able to findRead more…
Google Earth’s incredible 3D imagery, explained
Google Earth is an amazing tool that lets ordinary humans—sans wings or jetpack—zoom around the world. And, as you might know if you’ve checked out the new Google Earth, the 3D imagery looks insane. (As in, mind-blowingly realistic insane.) GrandRead more…
Remember where you’ve been and what you’ve done with Your Timeline on iOS
What was the name of that antique store I popped into the other day? Where was that coffee shop we discovered on our last vacation? Did I drop off the dry cleaning on Tuesday or Wednesday? Answering questions like theseRead more…