Editor’s note: Over the last year, we’ve introduced new ways for students to develop important future skills with Chromebook tools, including active listening and creativity. Yesterday at ISTE we announced our latest bundles in this series, curated in collaboration withRead more…
The European Commission decision on online shopping: the other side of the story
When you shop online, you want to find the products you’re looking for quickly and easily. And advertisers want to promote those same products. That’s why Google shows shopping ads, connecting our users with thousands of advertisers, large and small,Read more…
Anki's new coding app uses Scratch Blocks to help anyone program their Cozmo robot
Today Anki, a consumer robotics and artificial intelligence company, announced Cozmo Code Lab, a simple and intuitive visual programming language that allows Cozmo owners to easily program their robot. Code Lab for Cozmo is based on Scratch Blocks, making itRead more…
Helping journalists deepen their digital skills on their own time
It’s become increasingly important for journalists to deepen their digital skills for reporting, but finding dedicated time to invest in learning can be a challenge. To address that challenge, the News Lab has launched a series of advanced online learningRead more…
Harry Potter casts his spell on Google Earth
Twenty years ago today, Harry Potter began his journey from a closet on Privet Drive to the castle at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and—Alohomora!—he unlocked the imaginations of Muggles everywhere. Conjured up by author J.K. Rowling, “Harry PotterRead more…
Updates from ISTE: new tools to empower our future explorers and digital citizens
Editor’s note: This week our Google for Education team will be joining thousands of educators at the annual ISTE conference in San Antonio. Follow along here and on Twitter for the latest news and updates. Technology is transforming how studentsRead more…
The High Five: sun’s out, man buns out
Winter and summer. George and Amal. Barbie and Ken. These classic duos were among the top searches from this week. Changing of the seasons This Wednesday was summer solstice in the northern hemisphere—which means in other parts of the world,Read more…
Libraries across the U.S. are Ready to Code
Editor’s Note: Alan Inouye leads public policy for the American Library Association, and today he tells us about a new partnership with Google that will equip librarians to offer coding programs for kids in their communities Emily Zorea is notRead more…
As G Suite gains traction in the enterprise, G Suite’s Gmail and consumer Gmail to more closely align
Google’s G Suite business is gaining enormous traction among enterprise users. G Suite usage has more than doubled in the past year among large business customers. Today, there are more than 3 million paying companies that use G Suite. Read more…
Celebrating businesses giving back this Ramadan
In the heart of Istanbul, where I was born and raised, is the Hagia Sophia, a breathtakingly beautiful monument with a storied history. Over the centuries it has been a cathedral, a mosque, and a museum. When you stand inside,Read more…