Function and fashion. The watch has always been a great mix of both, and with Android Wear, we’re working with an ecosystem of manufacturers and developers to help you get more done and dress things up, right on your wrist.Read more…
Store visits insights gain momentum – more businesses are measuring the impact that online ads have on offline activities
Constant connectivity has forever changed the way people live and shop, giving rise to new consumer paths and blurring the lines between digital and physical experiences. With a quick search on any device, we can locate nearby businesses or findRead more…
A new vision for interactivity with TrueView in-stream
In today’s constantly connected world, there are billions of moments throughout the day when people are looking for answers, discovering new things, making a decision or looking for entertainment. In these moments, consumers’ expectations are very high – they wantRead more…
Through the Google lens: Search trends March 27 – April 2
From political drama to the mobile resurrection of Pac-Man, here’s what trended on search this week. If you can’t stand the heat…This week, the hammer came down on the state of Indiana after Governor Mike Pence signed the Religious FreedomRead more…
Re-rethinking computing
People tell us they love their Chromebooks. Yet, you have to use a trackpad, type URLs and Search queries using a keyboard, and click on links. Google’s top research scientists have calculated that the average person burns up to fiveRead more…
Smartbox by Inbox: the mailbox of tomorrow, today
Posted by Merrill Anovick, Project Manager Mail is a wondrous thing. From the early days of the homing pigeon to the herculean efforts of the Pony Express, mail has connected us for generations. The advent of email brought the worldRead more…
Introducing #ChromeSelfie
Have you ever read an article that made your jaw drop or seen a funny clip that made you laugh until you cried? Now, #ChromeSelfie lets you show your friends exactly how you feel. If you’re a selfie fanatic like meRead more…
Smartbox by Inbox: the mailbox of tomorrow, today
Mail is a wondrous thing. From the early days of the homing pigeon to the herculean efforts of the Pony Express, mail has connected us for generations. The advent of email brought the world even closer together. And yet, despiteRead more…
Custom Snooze in Inbox by Gmail: Rise and shine…on your time
Posted by Vijay Umapathy, Product Manager As our lives change, so do our schedules. “Morning” probably means something different to a college kid than, say, a parent with a newborn baby. Whatever your schedule is, your inbox should adapt toRead more…
Now casting: TED, MTV, Pac-12 and Qello Concerts for Chromecast
Chromecast has another great group of apps you can now cast directly to your TV. Hot on the heels of the annual TED conference, you can now watch “ideas worth spreading” with TED Talks. Whether you’re seeking inspiration, an oldRead more…