Chin up, the Great American Eclipse is today!

For the first time in 99 years, today people across the continental US will be able to see a total solar eclipse. The eclipse will be partially visible across a large swath of the United States, while those in the 70 mile wide “path of totality” stretching from Oregon to South Carolina will be able to see the moon completely cover the sun. Whether it’s been on your calendar for years or you’ve been in the dark until now…we hope our special content (and tips!) give you a sliver of insight.


Today’s Great American Eclipse Doodle introduces you to some very playful alien creatures who seem to be having quite a bit of fun today. Doodle artist Gerben Steenks considered many ideas—from anthropomorphic cameras to nocturnal bats and owls—to introduce our eclipse event to users. But he finally settled on an astronomy-loving space traveler who delights in guiding Earthlings in their understanding of stellar events.

fun facts

To learn more about solar eclipse science, click through the Doodle to Google Search and get some fun facts courtesy of our out-of-this-world friends. You can learn about a crowd-sourced photo project to capture images of the eclipse as it traverses North America, and even follow NASA’s livestreaming video of the event — which, if you don’t have eclipse glasses or a pinhole camera, is a good way to watch the magic and avoid damaging your eyes.

Before, during, and after the eclipse, NASA will be sharing information with posts right in Search results. So if your neck is tired staring up at the sky, just tilt it back down, take off your eclipse glasses, and pull out your phone for some updates.

Now in the words of Bonnie Tyler, “turnaround, bright eyes”…it’s time!

Source: Google Blog