The She Word: Tea Uglow, a "pebble in the landslide"

In honor of Women’s History Month, we’re celebrating the powerful, dynamic and creative women of Google. Like generations before them, these women break down barriers and defy expectations at work and in their communities. Over the course of the month, we’ll help you get to know a few of these Google women, and share a bit about who they are and why they inspire us.

In our second installment of the “She Word” series, we hear from Tea Uglow, a creative director in Sydney, Australia who is known for her love of coffee (but not tea), and for grabbing a “quick flat white and a chat.”


Perks of having a friend who is also a professional photographer: beautiful photos like this. Photo credit: Tea’s friend Christopher Phillips.

You’re at a dinner party and someone asks what you do. How do you explain your job to them?

Ha! I just do it really badly. I am part of Google’s Creative Lab, a team of designers, writers, developers and filmmakers who combine tech and art to tell interesting stories about Google. We’re the types of people who constantly think about how to push ourselves beyond the notion what is possible and practical. We create unconventional projects to connect technology to culture, and shape new perspectives of Google’s brand.

Why are you proud to be a woman at Google?

Mainly because Google is proud of its women. Our commitment to equality and diversity has been persistent and committed. Most of all I feel proud to be a woman at Google because of the respect and understanding I’ve received since I came out as transgender, and during my transition.

What’s your favorite thing to do outside of work?

I quite like doing nothing. I think it is a massively underrated pastime. I also like to potter and/or pootle.

What do you hope to accomplish on behalf of
women everywhere?

To be a pebble in the landslide. (A pebble with demonstrable impact and effectiveness).

If you could take a selfie with anyone, who would it be?

I would totally selfie with Hilary Mantel or Neal Stephenson, two of my favorite writers.

What advice would you give to women starting out in
their careers?

My advice, that I give again and again, is that working hard and doing brilliant work are essential to win credits, but to turn credits into points you will have to have difficult conversations and negotiate. And don’t think that you are being pushy or demanding when you do.

Source: Google Blog