7 Ways your Assistant can help with your last minute vacation

Summer may be winding down, but it’s not over just yet. If you have time to squeeze in one last summer vacation before the leaves change, let your Assistant be, well, your Assistant and help you plan your last minute trip.

Let’s say you decide to head to Vancouver. Here are a few questions you can ask your Assistant:


  1. Do your research. “Ok Google, what’s the weather in Vancouver?”
  2. Schedule your flight. “Ok Google, show me flights to Vancouver on Saturday”
  3. Road tripping instead? “Ok Google, play my summer 2017 playlist.”
  4. Pick your adventure. “Ok Google, what should I do in Vancouver?”
  5. Eat, drink and be merry. “Ok Google, what are the best restaurants in Vancouver.”
  6. Camping? “Ok Google, show me places to camp near Vancouver.”
  7. And if you can’t have one last summer getaway, you can always reminisce … “Ok Google, show my photos from Spain in August.”

So go out there and enjoy a last hurrah for the summer.

Source: Google Blog